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Off-Grid Living for People With Autism

Writer: Mike's Military Surplus Mike's Military Surplus

Many different families, from different backgrounds and with different needs, agree that preparedness (aka "Prepping") is an essential component to living responsibly. Stocking our shelves with emergency supplies, maintaining a garden, and learning survival skills are important to be able to support one's livelihood.

It only makes sense to be self-sufficient: Even in today's western society of convenience and automation, we have all recently witnessed many emergency situations in which huge portions of our country have been without clean drinking water, electricity, food, etc., as well as victims of government negligence, oppression, and infringement upon our freedoms and human rights.

In response, many people who have the ability to own their own land have taken steps toward living as off-grid as possible, or at least develop an autonomous relationship with nature and the resources that country living provides.

This opens up many "how do I...?" questions for families. Many of these questions apply to everyone across the board, such as food and water storage. However, a mainstream prepping education only answers these basic questions and does not address the many nuances involved that differ from individual to individual. An important nuance that needs to be addressed for many people is how to prep and live off the land when one of the members of your household has a physical disability, developmental disability, or lives with neurodivergence and/or autism. Is it possible to live on isolated land if a family member has special needs? Could off-grid or even just country living create problems and harm our loved ones?

Mike's Supplies would like to introduce you to author Summer Michelle Kinard, an off-grid survivalist herself. She has grown up thriving and enjoying life in the country as a person with autism, and says of families with autistic children considering off-grid life:

"I'm so happy you're looking at this option for your family! I have wonderful memories of the deep beauties of the countryside because my Dad took us off-grid."

She goes on to write about her own wonderful experience growing up autistic and off-grid in her recent social media post:

Summer Kinard has a new book, Our Autistic Home, "sharing tips on household arrangement, attention and sensory management, emotional boundaries, food, coziness, faith life, friendships, setting expectations", and other wise advice. "...With quick start appendices and budget-specific advice for every major section, this book will set you on the fast track to autistic and whole-family thriving." It is a must-read for anyone with a family member or who has autism! Her book is coming out June 24, 2021, and can be reserved NOW at a discounted price through the Park End Books website:

Mike's Supplies does not receive any compensation for the purchase of Our Autistic Home nor from the author or publisher in any way.


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