We only ship within the 48 contiguous United States at this time. We do not take overseas orders.
You (the purchaser) must be at least 18 years old, and in some instances 21, to order any knife or restricted products. Some items may be illegal for sale, purchase, or possession in your or other states or jurisdictions and by those under the age of 21. It is the responsibility of you, the purchaser, to obey all purchasing laws with regard to military-grade protective equipment and certain types of knives/blades. An incomplete list of legalities by state (of the 48 contiguous states only) follows the complete disclaimer.
This is not legal advice.
Mike's Military Surplus, Camp & Prep Supplies does not represent or warrant that any specific purchaser may legally purchase, own, or possess the merchandise ordered. You (the purchaser) shall be responsible for checking all applicable federal, state, and local laws concerning the purchase, ownership, use, and possession of any products sold to you on this website.
Specific automatic blades (known as "switchblades", "OTFs", or other ballistic knives) are illegal to ship interstate, regardless of ownership regulations.
Fixed-blade Knives and Tactical Knives- Cannot be shipped to Washington, D.C.; Marin, Napa, Ventura, or Yolo Counties, CA; or MA.
Folding Knives- Cannot be shipped to Washington, D.C.; Marin, Napa, Ventura, or Yolo Counties, CA; MA; or New York City, NY.
Bowie or Fighting Knives- Cannot be shipped to Washington, D.C.; Marin, Napa, Ventura, or Yolo Counties, CA; CT; Chicago, Peoria, or Melrose Park, IL; or MA.
Spring-assisted Knives and Switchblades- Cannot be shipped to Washington, D.C.; CA (unless under 2"); DE; HI; IL; LA; MA; MI; MO; NJ; NV; New York City, NY; or PA.
Machetes- Cannot be shipped to Washington, D.C.; Marin, Napa, Ventura, or Yolo Counties, CA; CT; DE; or MA.
Throwing Axes/Tomahawks- Cannot be shipped to Washington, D.C.; CA; CT; DE; MA; or NJ.
Axes and Hatchets- Cannot be shipped to Washington, D.C.; or MA.
Daggers- Cannot be shipped to Washington, D.C.; CA; CT; DE; Chicago, Peoria, or Melrose Park, IL; MA; NJ; NY; or TN.
Throwing Knives- Cannot be shipped to Washington, D.C.; CA; CT; DE; Chicago, Peoria, or Melrose Park, IL; MA; NJ; NY; or TN.
Stilettos- Cannot be shipped to Washington, D.C.; CA; CT; DE; Chicago, Peoria, or Melrose Park, IL; MA; NJ; NY; or TN.
Spears- Cannot be shipped to Washington, D.C.; CA; CT; DE; Chicago, Peoria, or Melrose Park, IL; MA; NH (except under 4"); NJ; NY; or TN (except under 4").
Knives with Knuckle Guards- Cannot be shipped to Washington, D.C.; CA; CO; CT; DE; IL; IN; KS; MA; MI; MN; MO; NV; NH; NJ; NY; OH; PA; TX; VA; VT; or WA.
Bayonets- Cannot be shipped to Washington, D.C.; Marin, Napa, Ventura, or Yolo Counties, CA; CO; or MA.
Dirks- Cannot be shipped to Washington, D.C.; CA; CT; DE; Chicago, Peoria, or Melrose Park, IL; MA; NJ; or NY.
Swords- Cannot be shipped to Washington, D.C.; AL; CA; CT; DE; Chicago, Peoria, or Melrose Park, IL; MA; NJ; or NY.
***This is not a complete list. This is not legal advice. Please check your local laws before purchasing.***